you can just call me Mek.
I work using .Net C# | Python | Go.
Sometimes, I enjoy delving into Javascript/Typescript to enhance my technical knowledge.
Developing a desktop-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application using .NET Framework, C#, and MariaDB.
Contributing to the implementation of accounting modules such as Financial & Cost Control, Human Capital Management System, Human Resource Information System, Inventory Material Management, and Procurement Management in the ERP application.
Creating and developing a customer database backup system using Python.
As the Coordinator of the IT Laboratory Assistant Team, tasked with assisting more than 180 new students at Dian Nuswantoro University in learning the fundamentals of the C++ programming language.
Assisting lecturers in conducting Career Guidance programs for approximately 40 students to learn how to use the Laravel website framework.
Handling administrative affairs and correspondence for the President of BEM Dian Nuswantoro University.
Responsible for administrative matters in 5 organizational work programs.
Assisting in handling student affairs, providing information on scholarships, and campus assistance.
Assisting in collecting student aspirations at Dian Nuswantoro University.